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Young Minds at Work - 1 day

Here you can find what we provide for the pupils and the school.

This is a fun and lively interactive course that will develop some of the key transferable skills listed by Forbes that employers look for when recruiting - communication, critical thinking, multitasking, teamwork, creativity and leadership.

Pupils consider and discuss their own skills and learn how to write their CV. They then have the opportunity to use those skills in a team environment.  As a team they need to bring a product to market and create a business presentation with all of the key information.


We guide them step by step through business theory and processes covering product development and design, branding, pricing, and deciding on a suitable sales outlet. Pupils experience the whole project management process and learn how different team roles work together to achieve the end result. 


They complete all the components of a business plan for their product which they then present in a business sales pitch. A winner is selected according to a list of required criteria.

The winners receive LifeLab Entrepreneur badges and a winning team certificate is given to the school.

The school also receives an impact report showing learning that has taken place based on questionnaires that the pupils fill in and a certificate to say that they have provided enterprise education to their pupils in conjunction with Lifelab.

This is all achieved within the day with no outside work.

How much does it cost?

The Method

Full school day of teaching

Individual and team activities in an interactive, learn-by-doing environment

The Cost

£1200 per course (Group size up to 50 pupils)

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