Young Minds at Work
Inspiration, development and empowerment for every child.

Get to Know Us
LifeLab was established by Marie-Claire and Shelley in 2021 after identifying a gap in the school curriculum.
At LifeLab we passionately believe that children need to develop an enterprising mindset from a young age, and so, since our launch we have been delivering business and enterprise courses to school aged children. We offer a mix of term and day courses to both mainstream and special schools. Our courses fulfil the requirements of the Gatsby Benchmarks released by the government which require all mainstream schools to offer these kinds of opportunities.
We at LifeLab believe in developing life skills through experience, so on our courses pupils learn through doing. Our teaching style is energetic, interactive, creative, fun and challenging and we create an infectious buzz in schools during and after our courses.
We would love to work with you and your pupils.
We offer a mix of term and day courses to both mainstream and special schools.
Have a look below at what course would best suit your school's needs and then get in touch to enquire.

8 sessions delivered by 1-3
LifeLab presenters
(depending on group size)

Introduces Year 6 - Year 9 children to the world of business and enterprise

Using a real cash loan of £50 pupils set up and run their own mini business

Provides real life work experience

Develops financial capability,
employability and life skills

An exciting interactive one day course

Full school day of teaching by us, freeing up staff time

Great as a leavers, joiners or end of year team building day

Individual and team activities in an interactive, learn-by-doing environment.

Pupils create a product, a brand, research a price and where to sell it and present an advert to promote it.

An exciting interactive one day course

Full school day of teaching by us, freeing up staff time

Great as a leavers, joiners or
end of year team building day

Individual and team activities in an interactive, learn-by-doing environment

Pupils choose team roles based on their skills and in those teams create, brand and pitch a product

10 x 1.5hr sessions
delivered by 1-3 LifeLab
presenters (depending
on group size)

Introduces children to
the world of business
and enterprise

Easy-to-follow lesson

Clear visuals, clear
explanations, simple

Easy to follow lesson structure

Clear visuals, clear
explanations, simple

Pupils learn about the skills they have and combine them in teams to select, brand and pitch a product.

An exciting interactive one day course

A fun, visual and interactive session

Builds confidence and team building skills